Influencing Campus through Communications
Is your office looking to building awareness and establish trust with audiences across campus? Staff from the University of Iowa Office of the Registrar will share their journey of working toward building effective internal and external communication strategies.
First Learning Outcome: To demonstrate the need to embed the importance of communication as part of the office culture
Second Learning Outcome: To develop strategies for effectively communication with various audiences
Third Learning Outcome: Ways to implement these strategies when you return to the office
Core Competency: Communication
Proficiency: Records & Academic Services Proficiencies
Jessica Alberhasky University of Iowa
Kristan Hellige University of Iowa
Influencing Campus through Communications
Breakout Session
Intended Audience: General Audience / Intended for Everyone
Submission ID: 23807
Room: Summit 9 - LS: 3/29/2023, 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM