Urban research institutions have an imperative to provide pathways to social and economic mobility. For the past decade, the University of Cincinnati has continued to improve retention and graduation rates, set enrollment records, achieve diversity goals, and close equity gaps. In 2019, UC launched Bearcat Promise, a pledge that students will graduate career-ready. Learn how proactive advising, actionable analytics, and community partnerships can make good on the promise of higher education.
Tara Warden University of Cincinnati
Delivering on a Promise: Using Proactive Student Success Culture to Improve Outcomes for All
Breakout Session
Delivering on a Promise: Using Proactive Student Success Culture to Improve Outcomes for All
Day: Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Time: 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
Room: 602 - Nooksak
First Learning Outcome:
Second Learning Outcome:
Third Learning Outcome:
Core Competencies: Change Management, Interpretation and Application of Institutional and External Data
Proficiencies: Enrollment Management: Staffing Leadership, Enrollment Management: Enrollment Technology
Intended Audience: Significant experience in the profession, Senior management (President, Provost, Vice President, Vice Provost)