The Doctor is In: It's Time for Your Enrollment Health Check-Up
Universities track enrollment closely and regular reporting illustrates patterns and results that manifest in predictable outcomes. But are numbers enough to answer questions? If there were problems, could you tell? This session analyzes 6-years of enrollment data and compares published outcome data to what the real situations look like at the student level to help myth-bust, invoke strategic paradigm shifts, and recognize the real-world behavior that is taking place among the enrollment.
First Learning Outcome: Identifying Macro-Retention strategies that would apply broadly and improve enrollment outcomes
Second Learning Outcome: Learning which campus myths about student enrollment are real and may require attention
Third Learning Outcome: Understanding the intricate patterns and expectations within the enrollment population
Core Competency: Holistic and Systemic Thinking
Proficiency: Enrollment Management Proficiencies
Stephen McKellips The University of Akron
Dr. Stephen McKellips The University of Akron
The Doctor is In: It's Time for Your Enrollment Health Check-Up
Breakout Session
Intended Audience: General Audience / Intended for Everyone
Submission ID: 24304
Room: Summit 8 - LS: 3/28/2023, 04:00 PM - 04:50 PM