Yes, there will be additional presenters for this sessionCommittee: Group IV: Leadership and Management Development
First Learning Outcome: How to research for your job interview (pre-interview)
Second Learning Outcome: Salary, how to request information before or during the process
Third Learning Outcome: How to use Social Media and AACRAO to help with your research
Core Competency: Professional Development and Contributions to the Field
Proficiency: Records & Academic Services Proficiencies
Intended Audience: General Audience / Intended for Everyone
Let’s be real, researching an institution pre-application or pre-interview is daunting. Many times, the job announcement does not include the operation structure, pay, hours, benefits, and other key information. It can be disappointing to take the time to complete long applications, cover letters, and resumes specific to the job skills set, to find out later during the interview process that the position is not in your pay range or level. This panel will help you review position announcements and research openings prior to applying.
Candice Pellegrino Stevens Institute of Technology
Jamie Holmes-Kriger Stevens Institute of Technology
Eve Dauer Wong
Interviewing Skills Needed to Go to the Next Level of Your Career and How to Investigate the Unknown
Let’s be real, researching an institution pre-application/interview is daunting. Many times, the job announcement does not include key information (how many have pay ranges). It can be disappointing to take the time to complete long applications, cover letters, and resumes specific to the job skills set, to find out during the interview process that the position is not in your pay range or level. This panel will help you review position announcements and research openings prior to applying.
Submission ID: 18908
Room D135: 4/4/2022, 05:15 PM - 06:00 PM