The Transformation of Credentialing and The Unifying Role of the Registrar
The Registrar is perfectly positioned to connect the courses a learner takes to the best way of representing what a learner knows and what skills they offer. In this session, we’ll discuss the ways in which Registrars are looking at both credit and non-credit focused credentialing across the institution and how the Registrar’s Office is acting as a unifying force by working with Professional and Continuing Ed departments, individual schools, and Career Services.
First Learning Outcome: Why Registrars are positioned to be the hub of the institution for credentialing
Second Learning Outcome: How the growth in certificate and micro-credential programs under the seal of an institution makes now the time for the Registrar to be focusing on these initiatives
Third Learning Outcome: What steps other Registrars have taken to align their efforts with other credentialing departments
Core Competency: Collaborative Decision-Making
Proficiency: Records & Academic Services Proficiencies
Kevin Martin Parchment, an Instructure company
The Transformation of Credentialing and The Unifying Role of the Registrar
Corporate Presentation
Intended Audience: Some Experience in the Profession
Submission ID: 30971
Session Day: Monday, April 8, 2024
Session Time: 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM